Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Roommate

My roommate is ridiculously entertaining. One thing that he enjoys doing very much is to be as vague as possible. If I see him on his way out of the apartment and I ask where he is going, he pretty much always says something like "that one place." If we are watching tv in the living room and he wants me to change the channel or something, he won't ask me to... he just jestures at the television like he has a remote in his hand.
I really need to start being more diligent with many, many things... maybe this blog can be the launch pad.

So far, the best thing I have had to listen to at work was an album of a band made up of three children who sang country songs exclusively about horses. There were around 12 tracks and each of them were exclusively about how great horses are. I realize that there are tons of little girls out there that absolutely love horses... but why in the hell would anyone want a CD of songs about them... The longer I work with CDs the more I get sick of all the stupid niches.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I spend my days looking concerned

I work at a company that makes CDs and DVDs. I know it may sound super glamorous, but we don't really make anything you have ever heard of. We do make a good deal of audio books, but I don't really know of anyone who likes those. Most of the things we make are things that we would be better off not having on this world. This blog is set up so that I can come on here and vent about the drivel that we make. I also am going to use it to share with the world the insane things that my roommate says to me. We have been friends for a long time, but it is still like living with a foreign exchange student sometimes. So now this blog has a premise..... lets see if I ever post again!